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10月まとめ② 10月20日までの各作品のフルバージョンを収録しています。それとXで投稿した絵のR18差分も入れてます。 Zipファイルの中に作品ごとにフォルダ分けしてjpgファイルとPDFファイルの両方が入っています。合計約950枚。 バーニス、花火、なのかはリクエストがあったので特盛りです!全作品かなり手をかけてえっちに仕上げました! October summary ② Contains the full version of each work until October 20th. I also include the R18 differences of the pictures posted in X. The Zip file contains both jpg files and PDF files, divided into folders for each work. Approximately 950 pieces in total. All the works have been finished with a lot of effort! Let's enjoy!!<3
October summary ②
Contains the full version of each work until October 20th. I also include the R18 differences of the pictures posted in X.
The Zip file contains both jpg files and PDF files, divided into folders for each work. Approximately 950 pieces in total.
All the works have been finished with a lot of effort!
Let's enjoy!!<3